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HTG-UK awarded Norfolk & Waveney patient transport contract


HTG-UK is delighted to announce that it has been awarded the new Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service (NEPTS) contract in Norfolk and Waveney, which will launch on 1st October 2024.

The new contract will deliver a full range of patient transport services, from renal and outpatient journeys, to discharges, HDU transport and secure mental health transfers.


Derek Laird, HTG-UK Chief Executive Officer said:  “We are very excited to have been awarded the contract to provide Non-Emergency Patient Transport in Norfolk and Waveney.” 

“2024 continues to demonstrate the excellent progress we have made as an organisation with the successful mobilisation of the Dorset unplanned contract in April and the Cornwall and Scilly Isles due to start in July.”

Derek added:  “We have already started to work with both the commissioners and other stakeholders in Norfolk and Waveney and are confident of delivering improvement for patients and the local healthcare system.”

Mark Burgis, Executive Director of Patients and Communities at NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB), said:  “Non-emergency patient transport provides integral support to local people, especially those who are frail or have additional needs to help them attend hospital appointments. We’re pleased to be working with HTG-UK to plan for this service going live in October.”


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